MAXIM Coffee Special Edition Design
Dongsuh Food(MAXIM South Korea)
Special Edition Design Creation
Project Scope
global F&B trend insights/ brand design strategy / FGI(Focus Group Interview)/ supergraphics pattern + illustration/ package design/ print sampling/ merchandise product design(MUG, etc.)
Challenges & Solution
S.Korea's no.1 instant coffee brand MAXIM wanted to launch their special holiday edition for their signature product lines: mocha gold mild, white gold, arabica 100, gift set. Through FGI(Focus Group Interview) we've found out what consumers expect from the brand. With a design concept of 'Happiness in the Stick', we've visualised three main elements of MAXIM coffee mix(coffee + sugar + dried creamer) and have created various patterns.
Maxim Special Edition - Mocha Gold Mild
Maxim Special Edition - White Gold
Maxim Special Edition - Arabica 100
Maxim Special Edition - Soluble Coffee Bottle
Maxim Special Edition - Mug (GWP)
Maxim Special Edition - Gift Set