Lina Insurance - KOKDEAL
Lina Insurance Company(CIGNA Korea)

Aggregate Insurance Brand Creation Project
Project Scope
global market research + insight/ brand strategy/ brand naming/ brand slogan/ design strategy/ symbol logotype design/ package design/ welcome kit
Challenges & Solution
CIGNA (Lina Insurance) inquired the bread and butter to create South Korea's first aggregate Insurance brand to help customers compare all insurance products at a single platform and experience customized insurance service. We have named the service brand as KOKDEAL with the slogan 'my bespoke discovery.' The logotype shows two different colors inside the typeface, and the two arrows inside the alphabet 'k' and 'l' represent the compare service.
KOKDEAL symbol logotype with a slogan lock-up
KOKDEAL welcome kit - type 1
KOKDEAL welcome kit - type 2